Answers to commonly asked questions
We understand that you may have a lot of questions when attending our service. We have collated the most frequently asked questions and answered them for you.
We understand that you may have a lot of questions when attending our service. We have collated the most frequently asked questions and answered them for you.
If the clinic is very busy this may mean waiting a few hours, but our team will aim to keep you advised of the approximate waiting time.
We use the ‘triage form’ to help us ensure that you see the most appropriate member of staff for the reasons you have attended and indicated on the form.
We use the other form to ensure that we have the most up to date details for you in case we need to contact you.
All patients will be offered/tested for; Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, HIV and Syphilis. Depending on your symptoms / problems, additional tests may be carried out.
The doctor or nurse will tell you what tests they think you need.
The tests might involve:
A urine (pee) sample
A blood sample
If you’re female, swabs from the vagina
Yes, providing they are working that day you can request who you’d like to see. If they are not, we can arrange an appointment for you. If you would like to attend the walk in and wait clinic, it is advised to call ahead to ensure are able to be seen by the required clinician.
Yes but please be aware that due to the nature of our services, it is not always appropriate for infants/children to be present during your consultation. If you bring children/infants with you, we may not be able to complete your consultation and a further visit may be necessary.
Yes you can. Please bear in mind the sensitive questions you may be asked and the possible need for an examination, as to whether you want them in the room with you.
Our service is confidential. Only staff working within the sexual health service has access to your information which is held on a different system to the hospital and the GP. In exceptional circumstances (for example an untreated infection) we may need to share your information with another health care provider in your best interests but we would always discuss this with you first.
We don’t carry out cervical screening tests / smear tests at our clinics. Please make an appointment at your GP practice if you are due one.
Your results are sent to you via text message, it is therefore vital that we hold this number to be able to contact you. Particularly if any of your results need further action in order to prevent serious health problems for you.
The standard method of sending results will be via text message, but other communication options can be discussed at the time of the appointment and dependent on circumstances. If you require a paper copy of your results, these can be obtained for a small charge from Access to Medical Records; please ask at Reception for further details.
Our nurses are very well trained in taking bloods, however if your still worried there is an option for a POCT test (point of care testing) which is more like a ‘finger prick’ test. Please discuss with the nurse/doctor if this would be suitable for you.
Most of our medicines are provided free of charge in the clinic. If necessary, you will be given a prescription.
All services are free for UK residents.
If you are not a UK resident or are a UK national but live outside of the UK please visit the main Western Sussex Foundation Trust website and search overseas visitors.
In most cases, results will be available 5 working days from the date of testing. However in some cases results can take up to 14 working days.